Published: 11:14, August 21, 2024
Tech solution helps keep the peace amid square dancing in Shenzhen park
By Wang Zhan
This undated photo shared on an official WeChat public account of China Telecom shows a square dance at a park. China Telecom is a major supplier of directional sound system in Shenzhen. (中国电信@WeChat)

Five directional sound systems have been installed at Wulin Square (舞林广场) in Shenzhen’s Lianhuashan Park (莲花山) to help ease tensions between square dancing enthusiasts and nearby residents, reports Shenzhen Special Zone Daily.

Square dancing, or guangchangwu (广场舞), offers a lively fitness regime and community activity, typically accompanied by energetic music. However, the strong and repetitive beats can be disruptive to some.

Wulin Square, located in the southwestern corner of Lianhuashan Park, has witnessed confrontations stemming from these cheerful dance gatherings, according to the park management office.

There are five dance groups in the area—one with 200 members and the others with 20 to 30 each. During peak hours, noise levels can reach up to 95 decibels.

“Square dance practitioners have a poor experience if the music is not loud enough. But if the volume is turned up, it disturbs other people,” said a staff member of the park management office.

The office has received numerous complaints about noise pollution from residents and a nearby hospital. Meanwhile, one dance group find another group’s music disruptive, leading to quarrels.

This undated photo shared on an official WeChat public account of China Telecom shows an installation worker checks a directional sound system. China Telecom is a major supplier of directional sound system in Shenzhen. (中国电信@WeChat)

Technology has stepped in to provide a solution. Encoding audible frequencies onto ultrasonic waves, a directional sound system sends a focused beam of sound to a specific area while keeping the surrounding space quiet or allowing multiple sounds to co-exist.

With features like plug-and-play USB connectivity and song-changing options, “the directional sound columns are tailored for square dancing enthusiasts,” the staff member explained.

This undated photo shared an official WeChat public account of Shenzhen government  shows a directional sound system in a Shenzhen park. (i深圳@WeChat)

Since December of last year, Shenzhen has been installing these directional sound systems to tackle the noise pollution issue associated with square dances. Additional measures, including the promotion of Bluetooth earplugs, have also been implemented, according to iShenzhen (i深圳), a WeChat public account of the Shenzhen government.

This article is translated by China Daily from the original report in Chinese as published on the official website of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily and WeChat public account iShenzhen (i深圳)