Published: 20:12, September 19, 2024
China urges US to immediately stop arming Taiwan
By Xinhua
Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, speaks at a press conference in Beijing, China, Sept 13, 2023. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

Beijing on Thursday urged Washington to immediately stop arming China's Taiwan region and sending erroneous signals to separatist forces advocating for “Taiwan independence”.

Responding to a query concerning recent US plans to sell arms to Taiwan, Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, urged the United States to honor its commitment of not supporting "Taiwan independence" with concrete actions.

READ MORE: US military companies sanctioned for arms sales to Taiwan

The military build-up of the Taiwan authorities, led by Lai Ching-te, will only lead to their own destruction, he said.