Published: 14:00, July 4, 2024 | Updated: 14:29, July 4, 2024
First comprehensive hospital near Luohu Port to be ready by Q4
By Zhou Mo in Shenzhen
Officials and business people pose for a photo at the 2024 Shenzhen (Luohu)-Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation in Hong Kong on July 3, 2024. (PHOTO PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY) 

China’s first comprehensive hospital located near the boundary between Shenzhen and Hong Kong is expected to complete construction in the fourth quarter of this year, which will provide more convenience for Hong Kong residents to enjoy medical services.

Renowned physicians from Hong Kong will be employed at the hospital — about five minutes’ walk from Luohu Port — to offer high-end Hong Kong-style medical services to patients, Dennis Lam Shun-chiu, chairman and chief executive of C-MER Eye Care Holdings, said at the 2024 Shenzhen (Luohu)-Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation in Hong Kong on Wednesday.

The project underscores the growing cooperation between Shenzhen’s Luohu district and Hong Kong. The two sides signed seven agreements on Wednesday on deepening cooperation on a wide range of fields, including commerce, technological innovation and talent

“On one hand, the increasing number of Hong Kong residents ‘traveling north’ will be able to enjoy more comprehensive healthcare; on the other, the hospital will enable Shenzhen residents to enjoy Hong Kong-style medical services on their doorstep,” said Lam, who is also a Hong Kong deputy to the National People's Congress, the country’s top legislature, and a member of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council.

The project underscores the growing cooperation between Shenzhen’s Luohu district and Hong Kong. The two sides signed seven agreements on Wednesday on deepening cooperation on a wide range of fields, including commerce, technological innovation and talent.

“Hong Kong is the largest source of foreign investment for Luohu. With the unique advantage of being part of China and connecting to the world, the city is also the preferred platform for Luohu enterprises to expand their markets overseas,” said Bernard Chan Pak-li, undersecretary for commerce and economic development.

ALSO READ: Shenzhen, HK to open private hospital near Luohu port in July

“As an international financial, trade and shipping center, Hong Kong should actively integrate into overall national development and play a role as a two-way platform for 'bringing in' and 'going out'.”

The 14th Five-Year Plan, the country’s development blueprint for 2021-25, supports Hong Kong’s development into “eight centers”, including international financial center, international innovation and technology center and East-meets-West center for international cultural exchange. The city is also stepping up the construction of Northern Metropolis mega project.

Shenzhen, meanwhile, has been tasked with turning itself into a demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Fan Defan, secretary of the Luohu District Committee of the Communist Party of China, speaks at the 2024 Shenzhen (Luohu)-Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation in Hong Kong on July 3, 2024. (PHOTO PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY)

Fan Defan, secretary of the Luohu District Committee of the Communist Party of China, said implementation of these strategies has injected strong impetus for high-quality development of Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

“Two-way opening up and deepening integration is an irresistible trend,” he said, calling on Hong Kong businesses and people to experience the vibrancy and charm of Luohu.

READ MORE: Luohu, Hong Kong deepen economic, trade collaboration

According to 2022 statistics, approximately 40,000 Hong Kong residents were living in Luohu. More than 6,000 Hong Kong enterprises had set up office there.

Three main Shenzhen-Hong Kong crossing points are situated in the district, namely Lo Wu, Man Kam To and Heung Yuen Wai on the Hong Kong side. Over 30 million cross-boundary trips were made via Luohu Port in the first half of the year, with the highest daily tally hitting 248,000, according to official data.