Published: 15:06, May 25, 2024
Hong Kong sees drop in number of drug abusers
By Wang Zhan in Hong Kong
This photo shows suspected cannabis buds worth HK$18 million that were confiscated from the checked-in luggage of two men from Vancouver, Canada at the Hong Kong International Airport on March 10, 2024. (PHOTO / HONG KONG CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DEPARTMENT)

Hong Kong had 1,666 reported drug abusers in the first quarter of 2024, compared with 1,863 for the same period last year, according to the Action Committee Against Narcotics.

The figures however tend to show greater volatilities in the first quarter of a year, the ACAN said, adding that it will closely monitor the situation in the remaining quarters of the year.

According to figures from the Central Registry of Drug Abuse, the number of reported young drug abusers aged under 21 for the first quarter of the year was 259.

READ MORE: HK must not be complacent about its fight against drug abuse, says Li

The most common types of drugs abused among this category of drug abusers was cannabis, cocaine, and ketamine, commonly known as “K”.

Some youngsters consider taking cannabis trendy or a so-called 'chill' lifestyle, and even think that the legalization of cannabis is a world trend.

Donald Li, Chairman, ACAN

Figures from law enforcement agencies showed that the number of persons arrested for drug offences in the first quarter of 2024 was 767, with 62 of them being young drug abusers aged under 21.

Expressing grave concern over cannabis abuse, the ACAN said cannabis was the most common type of drugs abused by reported young drug abusers aged under 21 in the first quarter of 2024, with over half of them taking this drug.

Stressing that cannabis is addictive, ACAN Chairman Dr Donald Li said: “Some youngsters consider taking cannabis trendy or a so-called 'chill' lifestyle, and even think that the legalization of cannabis is a world trend. Such thinking has ignored the medical evidence that smoking cannabis is harmful to health.”

To raise public awareness of the harms of cannabis, especially awareness among young people, the Narcotics Division of the Security Bureau will launch a new TV Announcement in the Public Interest this year and the corresponding radio API to disseminate the message that cannabis is a drug.

Since travelling has resumed normal, drug dealers often post recruitment advertisements on dubious websites and social media accounts with offers of free trips and high remuneration to lure people into drug trafficking, said the Narcotics Division.

It will step up publicity and education to remind the public to stay vigilant and not to fall into drug traps driven by greed.

ALSO READ: HK sees 3% rise in number of drug abusers in 2023

As the summer holiday is approaching, the Narcotics Division also reminded people to say no to drugs at all times when travelling to other places.

"The law enforcement agencies have detected numerous drug trafficking cases involving baggage concealment by air passengers recently,” said Dr Li.

People should pay attention to product labels when travelling during the summer holiday and should not risk trying cannabis and cannabidiol products, or bringing them back to Hong Kong, to avoid breaching the law, he added.