Published: 22:35, March 22, 2022 | Updated: 23:24, March 22, 2022
Entrepreneur: National Security Law brings safety back to HK
By China Daily

Calvin Tse Hoi-fat, chairman and founding director of The Hong Kong General Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs, speaks at a United Nations meeting via video link on Tuesday. Here is the full text of his speech.

The National Security Law has been implemented in Hong Kong for nearly two years. As the chairperson of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs, I would like to share with you today, from the perspective of local young people and entrepreneurs, on the reason for its implementation and the results.

As young entrepreneurs, we need a stable and safe environment for our personal and business development. That is exactly what the National Security Law can bring us

Back in 2019, before the enforcement of the National Security Law, Hong Kong changed from one of the safest cities in the world to a city that was full of violence or even ravaged by terrorism. Lots of members of our association reported to us that they did not even dare walk on the streets or express their thoughts offline or online during that time. Some members’ businesses were being savagely attacked either physically or online because they held a different view from the protesters, or simply because they stayed neutral.

According to a survey conducted by a local research institute last year, over 75 percent of the respondents were satisfied with the effectiveness of the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong.

As young entrepreneurs, we need a stable and safe environment for our personal and business development. That is exactly what the National Security Law can bring us.

In this connection, I am here to urge the US politicians and the US government: Do as you would be done by. I believe this is not only my wish but also the wish of the people of the world. Thank you.